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Daqo Transformer summer heat prevention and cooling battle

Release Time:2024-08-08Source:Clicks:479Author:

In the high temperature of three volts, the heat "baking" test, the staff of Daqo Transformer is still sticking to the workstation, sweating for the delivery of the commitment. In order to ensure the staff's health, safety, high quality operation, the company specially formulated a series of summer cooling measures.

◆ Prepare medicines to ensure safety


The company has purchased and stocked up sufficient medicines in advance to prevent heatstroke and reduce temperature, including Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui, essential balm, Long Hu Ren Dan, etc., which are placed in the workshop at the fixed positions of each shift so that the employees can take them in time when they need them. And synchronize the use of heat stroke medicines, first aid knowledge training and on-site guidance, to ensure that employees can master the knowledge of high temperature disease prevention and treatment, improve the practical skills of sudden illnesses, and further enhance their awareness of safety precautions, to protect the safety of the work process.

◆ Provide drinks and guard health


In order to replenish the water lost through sweating, the company has set up drinking points at fixed locations in each shift in the workshop, and equipped with sufficient mineral water. In addition, we also ask the cafeteria in the park to stew green bean soup and sour plum soup every day, and provide chilled drinks for employees to drink for free.

◆ Sending ice and lowering heat


In order to cope with the high temperature, the company provides ice cubes for the workshop in the morning and evening every day, and reduces the temperature of the workshop by melting the ice cubes and absorbing the heat.

◆ Send pears, send coolness


Pears are rich in water and vitamins, and have the effect of clearing heat and relieving heatstroke. The company especially purchased a batch of fresh pears and distributed them to the employees, so that they could enjoy the sweet coolness brought by the pears and feel the company's caring heart.

◆ Regulate work and rest, ensure rest

In order to ensure that the staff can get enough rest in the hot weather, the company has adjusted the work and rest time, avoiding the high temperature at noon for production. At the same time, lunch breaks have been increased so that employees can get sufficient rest and recovery in hot weather.

◆ Special care for special people

For older, pregnant women and weaker employees, the company pays special attention to their physical condition, adjusts their work positions according to the actual situation, and arranges them to work in relatively cooler and less labor-intensive areas to ensure that they are able to work safely and comfortably in hot weather.

Through the implementation of the above series of measures to prevent heatstroke, Daqo Transformer for employees to create a more comfortable, safe, cool working environment, to ensure that employees can maintain the best working condition in hot weather. At the same time, the company called on all employees to pay attention to their own health, and do a good job of heat stroke prevention and cooling.